What are the benefits of using a CCTV system in 2019?
We’ve gathered together some of the key benefits of using a CCTV system can have at your place of work and residency.
A CCTV (closed-circuit television) system allows the use of videos cameras to monitor the interior and exterior of a property, transmitting the signal to a monitor or set of monitors.
More and more of us are switching on the benefits of CCTV security systems. In the UK it is now estimated that there are more cameras per person than any other country in the world.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan Howe promoted the use of CCTV, saying that cameras should be installed by homeowners and businesses to help detectives solve crimes.
The need for residential and business CCTV systems is higher than ever before. With the number of police officers patrolling our streets hitting a record low, total recorded offences are up by 14%, as reported by The Independent in 2018.
Aside from the obvious advantage of being able to monitor your premises, here are the benefits of using a CCTV system in 2019:
1. Deter criminal activity
This is the biggest and most recognised benefit for those who choose to add CCTV systems to their property. Outside of being able to monitor your premises, CCTV cameras are an excellent deterrent for burglars.
Just like seeing a mounted alarm system, an intruder seeing cameras may decide that it’s easier and safer to move elsewhere. It’s much better to prevent intrusion than dealing with it after it’s occurred.
“Most criminals are pretty disorganised, they don’t think about it. The reason the cameras are high is two-fold. One is to keep it out of harm’s way.”
Studies have found that using CCTV in car parks resulted in a 51% decrease in crime; in public transportation areas a 23% decrease in crime; and in public settings, a 7% decrease in crime. Even the lowest figure, 7%, is a significant improvement.
A report written by the Office for National Statistics in 2017 found that 2 in 100 homes were victims of robberies, with 40% of incidents taking place during working hours whilst occupiers are away from their properties.
In the same report, 70% of burglars gain entry to homes via the front door, while the remaining 30% use windows as an entry point. Therefore, pointing cameras towards these routes of entry is the best and most strategic place to add your CCTV device.
2. Improved home insurance rates
By deterring criminal activity, CCTV security systems reduce your home and property insurance costs. You are less of a target, so the risk is lowered, which means the price of your insurance decreases too.
“If you’re the victim of burglary and your home isn’t properly secured, you may find that your home insurance provider could question your claim and refuse to reimburse you for any loss.”
As well as being less of a target, CCTV offers evidence towards insurance claims that you may not have had otherwise.
The more evidence you have to support your claim, the better, proving beyond doubt the circumstances surrounding your claim.
Find out more about how security cameras can potentially reduce your home insurance costs.
3. Peace of mind
A camera system provides people with an increased sense of security and reassurance, particularly in areas where the crime rate is high.
Many of the more sophisticated models are wireless, meaning they can be viewed and monitored from your smartphone or tablet.
This gives you the ability to check in and review your premises at the click of a button, so your home security is always in reach.
“As importantly, you get a whole shot of what happened at the event: What did they steal? Did they use a knife? You get all that. But more relevant today is a face. That’s what we need.”
It acts as a comfort blanket, giving you the freedom to get on with your life, confident that your property is being watched.
4. Cost-effective
A CCTV system is a cost-effective form of security. Once the system has been installed they are very easy to maintain and require little reparations.
Ensure that your cameras are cleaned in order to receive the best performance from your system. Other than this, CCTV systems will keep your premises secure for years.
Broadsword provides maintenance services for any security device as well as CCTV repairs. If you require assistance, please contact us.
Are you worried about your property security?
Protecting your home or business isn’t as complicated or expensive as you may think. Modern security systems aren’t just for massive corporations.
A modest initial outlay will buy a set up tailored to your requirements, help to protect people, and prevent costly theft or damage.
The technology is easy to understand, simple to use, and cost effective to maintain. Don’t wait until the worst happens. Thinking ahead now will save you a lot of money and stress in the long run.
If you would like to benefit from a CCTV system, get in touch today by contacting us online.